HAT mod structure

On startup, HAT iterates through the Mods directory in the main game's directory in search for valid mods. Every directory and .zip archive within Mods directory containing Metadata.xml file at its root is considered to be a valid mod. The name of the directory/archive is used only by the ignore/priority lists and doesn't have any other internal usage.

The Metadata.xml file should have the following structure:

   <Description>Short description of your mod.</Description>
      <DependencyInfo Name="HAT" MinimumVersion="1.0"/>

Name tag is required and is treated as an unique case-sensitive identifier of your mod - mod loader will load only one mod with the same name (it'll choose the one with the most recent version). It doesn't have to match the name of the directory/archive the mod is placed in.

Version tag is also required. Mod loader compares two version strings by putting them in an alphanumberical order, however, each number is treated as a separate token, which order is determined by numberical value (this means 1.2beta will be treated as older version to 1.11).

LibraryName is used to determine a DLL library with C# assembly the mod loader will load. The library should end with .dll extension and should be placed in your mod's directory. This tag is optional, as your mod doesn't have to add any new logic.

Dependencies is a list of DependencyInfo tags. If your mod requires a specific version of HAT mod loader or relies on another mod, your can use these tags to prevent mod loader from loading this mod if given dependencies aren't present. It's entirely optional.

All other fields (Description, Author) are purely informational and will be displayed in the mods list menu.

Asset mod

HAT will attempt to load all files recursively from Assets subdirectory of a mod (if one exists) and try to use them as in-game assets. A path relative to the Assets subdirectory will be used to identify specific asset. If a path and a filename matches an asset already existing in the game (in any of the .pak asset packages) or in any previously loaded mod, it will be overwritten.

By default, HAT expects the files to be raw asset files (XNB, OGG or FXC files) and will load them as such. However, if any of the files have matching asset formats (see FEZ Asset Formats), it will additionally try to convert the raw bytes with FEZRepacker, providing a more straight-forward modding experience.

In addition to loading all files within Assets subdirectory, HAT will also attempt to load Assets.pak archive, and use all assets contained within it. Unlike files in the Assets directory, assets contained within the package will not be converted and are expected to be valid raw asset files.

Note that music files (stored by the game in Music.pak package) are handled by a separate subsystem in the game, and while it normally expects the OGG music tracks to be located in the root directory, HAT expects them to be located in the Music subdirectory of Assets directory/package of the mod. For example, in order to replace villageville\bed music file, new music file needs to be located at [Mod directory]/Assets/Music/villageville/bed.ogg.

Custom logic mod

Mod loader loads library file given in metadata as an assembly, then attempts to create an instance of every public class inheriting from game's IGameComponent interface contained within loaded assembly before game initialization (before any services are created). After the game has been initialized (that is, as soon as all necessary services are initiated), it adds created instances into the list of game's components and initializes them, allowing their Update and Draw (when using DrawableGameComponent) to be properly executed within the game's loop.

For basic project setup, referencing FEZ.exe and FezEngine.dll should be sufficient (avoid shipping mods with copies of these files by setting "Copy Local" to "False" for both). References to other mods should be automatically resolved, assuming referenced mods have been included in Dependencies section of the mod's metadata. References to any other mod-specific external library should also be resolved by putting the library in the root directory of the mod (next to the mod's library).

More advanced game logic modifications might need more than an entry point. For that, it is recommended to use either hooks provided by auto-generated FEZ.Hooks.mm.dll library included in HAT or MonoMod's detours.

For help, you can see an example of already functioning custom logic mod: FEZUG.