ActorType Enum

For multiple object types in the game (trile groups, background planes, NPC instances, art objects and triles), you can assign one of the types defined in a shared enum named ActorType. This specification documents all of the types, their designated object type and their usage in the game.


This page is still WIP!

Index Name Used by Description
0 None All This object has no special properties.
1 Ladder Trile Gomez can climb it.
2 Bouncer Trile Gomez can bounce on it.
3 Sign Trile Can be interacted with to display text stored in TrileInstance's SignText property.
4 GoldenCube Trile When used, trile becomes a Golden Cube (commonly called cube bits).
5 PickUp Trile Can be picked up by Gomez.
6 Bomb Trile, BackgroundPlane If trile, can be picked up by Gomez, after which it will explode after certain amount of time and respawn. If background plane and animated, it'll destroy itself once the animation is done (used to procedurally create explosion overlay).
7 Destructible Trile Can be destroyed by bombs.
8 DestructiblePermanent Trile Can be permanently destroyed by bombs. (destruction state persists through saves)
9 Vase Trile Can be picked up by Gomez. When thrown, it breaks on collision with ground.
10 Door Trile It's a locked door. Can be opened with a key.
11 Heart   Unused
12 Watcher Trile Those block characters that try to squish Gomez.
13 Crystal Trile The blocks that blink to the beat.
14 BlackHole   Unused. See ActorType Hole instead.
15 Vine Trile Gomez can climb it.
16 BigBomb    
17 TntBlock    
18 TntPickup    
19 MotorBlock   Unused
20 Hurt Trile Gomez gets hurt when touching this trile.
21 Checkpoint    
22 TreasureChest ArtObject It's a treasure chest. What it contains is determined by ActorSettings.ContainedTrile and if it's a TreasureMap ActorSettings.TreasureMapName
23 CubeShard   The big golden cubes
24 BigHeart   Unused
25 SkeletonKey   Key used for unlocking locked doors.
26 ExploSwitch    
27 PushSwitch Group A switch that activates when a heavy enough item is places atop it, and can become unactivated if that item is removed.
28 EightBitDoor ArtObject Proximity door that opens when player has at least eight cubes collected.
29 PushSwitchSticky Group A switch that activates when a heavy enough item is places atop it, and stays active until the level is reloaded.
30 PushSwitchPermanent Group A switch that permanently activates when a heavy enough item is places atop it. (activation state persists through saves)
31 SuckBlock Trile Can be picked up by Gomez. Will get sucked into ActorSettings.HostVolume if it's close enough, and if it's this SuckBlock's HostVolume, an event is fired.
32 WarpGate ArtObject Those big warp gate things in some of the hub levels.
33 OneBitDoor ArtObject Proximity door that opens when player has at least one cube collected.
34 SpinBlock ArtObject These objects spin around a set point around a set axis every ActorSettings.SpinEvery seconds, and will throwing Gomez off if he is holding onto the side.
35 PivotHandle ArtObject Gomez can push this from the front to cause it to rotate, which triggers events.
36 FourBitDoor ArtObject Proximity door that opens when player has at least 4 cubes collected.
37 LightningPlatform Trile Invisible platforms that flash visible when lightning strikes
38 LightningGhost Npc The spooky ghosts you can talk to in the graveyard area.
39 Tombstone ArtObject Gomez can grab ahold of it and spin it around, causing events to be fired depending on how many are aligned.
40 SplitUpCube   Unused? Likely was for an old version of cube bits.
41 UnlockedDoor Trile It's a door that does not require any unlocking.
42 Hole Trile This trile is a blackhole. See also VolumeActorSettings.IsBlackHole
43 Couch Trile  
44 Valve ArtObject Gomez can spin them around, which triggers events.
45 Rumbler ArtObject Used for tuning forks. See ActorSettings.VibrationPattern for the code pattern.
46 Waterfall BackgroundPlane Spawns water particle effects.
47 Trickle BackgroundPlane Spawns water particle effects.
48 Drips BackgroundPlane Spawns water particle effects.
49 Geyser Group Causes the group to move up and down at regular intervals and to set heights.
50 ConnectiveRail ArtObject Used for those tracks that certain moving platforms follow.
51 BoltHandle ArtObject Gomez can spin these aroung to move the platform up or down.
52 BoltNutBottom ArtObject Deternimes the lower limit of the colliding bolt platform.
53 BoltNutTop ArtObject Deternimes the upper limit of the colliding bolt platform.
54 CodeMachine ArtObject Used for Code Machine puzzle. There can be only one in a level.
55 NumberCube ArtObject, Trile Used as an artifact. Once collected, appears in the inventory.
56 LetterCube ArtObject, Trile Used as an artifact. Once collected, appears in the inventory.
57 TriSkull ArtObject, Trile Used as an artifact. Once collected, appears in the inventory.
58 Tome ArtObject, Trile Used as an artifact. Once collected, appears in the inventory.
59 SecretCube   Anti cubes
60 LesserGate ArtObject Those one-way warp panel things that take you back to the hub level's WarpGate
61 Crumbler Trile This trile crumbles when stepped on.
62 LaserEmitter ArtObject Has an unused SetEnabled ScriptAction
63 LaserBender ArtObject Unused
64 LaserReceiver ArtObject Has an unused Activate ScriptTrigger
65 RebuildingHexahedron ArtObject Unused
66 TreasureMap   It's a treasure map. See ActorSettings.TreasureMapName for the name of the map.
67 Timeswitch ArtObject Those things that you can screw out that move stuff and then move back when the time is up.
68 TimeswitchMovingPart    
69 Mail    
70 Mailbox ArtObject  
71 Bookcase ArtObject A bookcase secret door that Gomez can push from the front to open.
72 TwoBitDoor ArtObject Proximity door that opens when player has at least 2 cubes collected.
73 SixteenBitDoor ArtObject Proximity door that opens when player has at least 16 cubes collected.
74 ThirtyTwoBitDoor ArtObject Proximity door that opens when player has at least 32 cubes collected.
75 SixtyFourBitDoor ArtObject Proximity door that opens when player has at least 64 cubes collected.
76 Owl Npc Those owls that often spit out lore and the game keeps track of how many you've talked to.
77 Bell ArtObject Uses bell puzzle logic on that art object. There can be only one in a level.
78 RotatingGroup Group This group spins around a set point around a set axis every Group.SpinFrequency seconds, moving Gomez with the group.
79 BigWaterfall BackgroundPlane  
80 Telescope ArtObject When interacted with, will show stars depending on the camera's viewpoint.
81 SinkPickup   Used internally for SuckBlock.
82 QrCode ArtObject Almost functionally equivalent to the Rumbler ActorType, but there's no vibrations, and if one if this code is solved, the first ArtObject in the SEWER_QR level will also be marked as inactive, and the second Volume in both the ZU_THRONE_RUINS and ZU_HOUSE_EMPTY levels also will be marked as inactive, and all three of the aforementioned levels will have their save data's FilledConditions.SecretCount incremented by one (Note: this data for other levels is only set for levels that were visited)
83 FpsPost ArtObject Unused
84 PieceOfHeart   The red/heart cubes
85 SecretPassage ArtObject Secret shortcut door that require visiting both levels before they are enabled.
86 Piston Group Plays the piston sound effect when this group moves.