FEZFONT format

FEZ's SpriteFont asset type is converted by Repacker into .fezfont file bundle. This file bundle consists of two files:

  • .json - JSON file containing fonts information and font character information.
  • .png - PNG image containing font's texture.

The character that will be substituted when a given character is not included in the font is “ “ (U+0020 Space) (hardcoded into FezEngine).This means if a font doesn’t have the space character for whatever reason, the game would likely crash.

Format differences

This format differs a little bit from how the font data is arranged in the game's structure in order to eliminate redundant and simplify data arrangement. Here's a list of all differences:

  • Characters property is a list of CharacterData instead of a list for GlyphBounds, a list for Cropping, a list for Character, and a list for KerningData; all which are now stored as properties within a single CharacterData list.


.fezfont.json files contain Font data stored in a JSON format. This documentation presents a structure and purpose to each property in this file format. Descriptions are incomplete in some cases, and they might be incorrect due to lack of proper testing in the game itself, but that'll improve over time.

Property definitions


Top-level object stored in .fezfont.json JSON file.

Property name Type Description
LineSpacing Number The line spacing of this font.
Spacing Number The spacing of the font characters.
DefaultCharacter char Optional. Technically unused, as FezEngine's FontManager sets this to " " (U+0020 Space).
Characters CharacterData[] List of character data in this font.



The origin point (0,0) for all Rectangles is the top left, with Y increasing while moving downwards.

For KerningData, the left and right sides should be 0, and the width should be the same as Cropping.Width.

Additionally, you’d probably want Cropping.Height to be the same for every character, so the vertical alignment is consistent.

Property name Type Description
Character String The character this data is for.
GlyphBounds Rectangle The rectangle in the font texture containing the target character.
Cropping Rectangle The cropping rectangle, which is applied to the corresponding GlyphBounds to calculate the bounds of the actual character.
KerningData Vector3 The letters kernings (X - left side bearing, Y - width and Z - right side bearing).