FEZSONG format


.feznpc file contains song metadata stored in JSON format. This documentation presents a structure and purpose to each property in this file format. Descriptions are incomplete in some cases, and they might be incorrect due to lack of proper testing in the game itself, but that'll improve over time.

Property definitions


Property name Type Description
Loops Loop[] Behaviour currently unknown.
Name String The unique name of the song. Usually this is related to the file name.
Tempo Integer Behaviour currently unknown.
TimeSignature Integer Behaviour currently unknown.
Notes ShardNotes[] The pitch of the musical tones to play when collecting a cube bit.
AssembleChord AssembleChords The pitch of the collect jingle to play when collecting a treasure that's not in a treasure chest.
RandomOrdering Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
CustomOrdering Integer[] Behaviour currently unknown.



The pairs of LoopTimesFrom to LoopTimesTo, and TriggerFrom to TriggerTo define bounds for random values

Property name Type Description
Duration Integer The number of musical bars in this loop.
LoopTimesFrom Integer The minimum number times to repeat the loop before playing again.
LoopTimesTo Integer The maximum number times to repeat the loop before playing again.
Name String The name of this loop. Should be distinct from other loop names in this song.
TriggerFrom Integer The minimum number of musical bars to wait before playing again.
TriggerTo Integer The maximum number of musical bars to wait before playing again.
Delay Integer The number of musical bars to wait before playing for the first time.
Night Boolean If this loop plays during night
Day Boolean If this loop plays during day
Dusk Boolean If this loop plays during dusk
Dawn Boolean If this loop plays during dawn
FractionalTime Boolean If false, the random value determined by the range TriggerFrom to TriggerTo will be an integer, otherwise it will be a floating point value.
OneAtATime Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
CutOffTail Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.


All enums are stored as PascalCamelCase string parameters.


Enum specifying cube bit pickup sounds. It can take one of these values:

C2, Csharp2, D2, Dsharp2, E2, F2, Fsharp2, G2, Gsharp2, A2, Asharp2, B2, C3, Csharp3, D3, Dsharp3, E3, F3, Fsharp3, G3, Gsharp3, A3, Asharp3, B3, C4


Enum specifying treasure get sound (not treasure chests). It can take one of these values:

C_maj, Csharp_maj, D_maj, Dsharp_maj, E_maj, F_maj, Fsharp_maj, G_maj, Gsharp_maj, A_maj, Asharp_maj, B_maj