FEZLVL format


.fezlvl.json files contain level data stored in a JSON format. This documentation presents a structure and purpose to each property in this file format. Descriptions are incomplete in some cases, and they might be incorrect due to lack of proper testing in the game itself, but that'll improve over time. Who doesn't love to experiment?

Format differences

This format differs a little bit from how the level data is arranged in the game's structure in order to eliminate redundant and unnecessary data arrangement. Here's a list of all differences:

Property definitions


Top-level object stored in .fezlvl.json JSON file.

Property name Type Description
Name String Name of the level used internally by the game.
NodeType LevelNodeType Type of node used to represent level on the map.
Size Vector3 Size of the map.
StartingPosition TrileFace Default location and camera orientation detailing where the player should start the level.
Flat Boolean If true, blocks player's ability to shift in this level.
Quantum Boolean If true, blocks are visually randomized.
Descending Boolean Behaviour currently unknown. Used only in ZU_CODE_LOOP.
Loops Boolean If true, level loops vertically.
Rainy Boolean Determines whether it should rain in the level.
BaseDiffuse Float Scale of a diffuse lighting.
BaseAmbient Float Scale of an ambient lighting.
SkyName String Name of a sky asset to use in this level.
SkipPostProcess Boolean If true, level is rendered without post-processing effects.
GomezHaloName String A name of a background plane texture used for halo effect around Gomez.
HaloFiltering Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
BlinkingAlpha Boolean If true, the CMYK theme is used, and the world blinks to the music. See also: TrileInstanceActorSettings
WaterHeight Float Height of water in this level.
WaterType LiquidType Type of liquid to use for water in this level.
SongName String Name of the song to play.
MutedLoops String[] List of names of loops to mute in played song.
AmbienceTracks AmbienceTrack List of ambience tracks to play.
SequenceSamplesPath string The subdirectory in the "Sounds" folder to look for the sound effects to play for the blinking blocks.
LowPass Boolean If true, music is put through low pass filter.
FAPFadeOutStart Integer Far Away Place fade out start. Unused.
FAPFadeOutLength Integer Far Away Place fade out length. Unused.
TrileSetName String A name of a Trile Set to use in this level.
Triles TrileInstance[] A list of triles in this level.
Groups TrileGroup[] A list of trile groups.
Volumes Volume[] A list of volumes in this level.
Scripts Script[] A list of scripts in this level.
ArtObjects ArtObjectInstance[] A list of art object instances in this level.
BackgroundPlanes BackgroundPlane[] A list of background planes in this level.
Paths MovementPath[] A list of paths in this level.
NonPlayerCharacters NpcInstance[] A list of NPCs in this level.


All enums are stored as PascalCamelCase string parameters.


Enum specifying how level should appear in the map. It can take one of three values:

  • Node
  • Hub
  • Lesser


Geometry structure containing X, Y and Z coordinates. It's stored as an array of three floating point numbers, simirarly to how GeoJSON does it.


Structure identifying location of a trile and facing direction. In FEZLVL data, it's used only to determine a default starting position.

Property name Type Description
Id TrileEmplacement Location of the trile.
Face FaceOrientation Facing orientation. For starting position, it can be only Left, Right, Back or Front


Geometry structure containing X, Y, and Z coordinates of a trile in the map. It's stored as an array of three integer numbers.


Enum specifying one of six possible trile face orientations - Left, Down, Back, Right, Top or Front.


Enum specifying one possible water types used in levels - None, Water, Blood, Lava, Sewer, Purple or Green.


Structure specifying the name of ambience track to play and when it's played.

Property name Type Description
Name String Name of an ambience track to play.
Day Boolean If true, ambience track will play during the day.
Dusk Boolean If true, ambience track will play during the dusk.
Night Boolean If true, ambience track will play during the nigty.
Dawn Boolean If true, ambience track will play during the dawn.


Structure containing information about a single trile - a level tile in 3D space. Multiple triles may be present in the same position.

Property name Type Description
Emplacement TrileEmplacement Location of the trile instance in 3D grid. Used as identifier.
Position Vector3 Real position of this trile instance in 3D space. Can be used to offset the block.
Phi Byte Rotation of this trile instance. Each increment is 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
Id Integer ID of a trile in Trile Set used by this level.
Settings TrileInstanceActorSettings Additional parameters of this trile. Can be null.


Structure containing additional information of a trile instance.

Property name Type Description
ContainedTrile int Unused?
SignText String Language identifier of a text which appears when interacting with this trile.
Sequence Boolean[] For the Crystal Trile ActorType. If not null, should be an array of exactly 16 booleans that determine when this blink block is visible/enabled in a measure.
SequenceSampleName String For the Crystal Trile ActorType. The SoundEffect in the Path.Combine("Sounds", LevelManager.SequenceSamplesPath ?? "") directory to play when this blink block appears.
SequenceAlternateSampleName String For the Crystal Trile ActorType. If not null, the SoundEffect in the Path.Combine("Sounds", LevelManager.SequenceSamplesPath ?? "") directory to play when this blink block appears on an odd/off beat.
HostVolume Integer ID of host Volume into which this moveable crate will be accepted. As seen in the level ZU_4_SIDE.


Structure containing a list of trile instances grouped together and parameters of this group.

Property name Type Description
Triles TrileEmplacement[] List of coordinates used to determine which trile instances belong to this group.
Path MovementPath Path this group moves along
Heavy Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
ActorType ActorType Type of actor this group should be treated as.
GeyserOffset Float For the Geyser ActorType. The amount of seconds to wait before initially moving this group.
GeyserPauseFor Float For the Geyser ActorType. The amount of seconds this group will not be in the lifting state.
GeyserLiftFor Float For the Geyser ActorType. The amount of seconds this group will be in the lifting state.
GeyserApexHeight Float For the Geyser ActorType. The maximum height difference this group will reach.
SpinCenter Vector3 For the RotatingGroup ActorType. If it is not equal to Vector3.Zero, the group will rotate using this Vector3. Exact behaviour currently unknown.
SpinClockwise Boolean For the RotatingGroup ActorType. If true, will spin clockwise, otherwise will anticlockwise.
SpinFrequency Float For the RotatingGroup ActorType. The number of seconds this group waits between spins.
SpinNeedsTriggering Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
Spin180Degrees Boolean For the RotatingGroup ActorType. If true, will spin 180 degrees, otherwise will spin 90 degrees.
FallOnRotate Boolean For the RotatingGroup ActorType. If true, Gomez will fall when the group spins, otherwise if he is holding onto the group, he will rotate with the group.
SpinOffset Float For the RotatingGroup ActorType. The amount of seconds to wait before initially spinning this group.
AssociatedSound String For the RotatingGroup ActorType. The name of the SoundEffect file in the "Sounds/MiscActors/" directory to play will this group spins.


Structure defining the path of movement and its properties. It's used by Trile groups and occasionally by functions available through Scripts.

Property name Type Description
Segments PathSegment[] A list of path segments defining the path.
NeedsTrigger Boolean If true, the path needs to be triggered to function.
EndBehavior PathEndBehaviour Defines how path should behave when end is reached.
SoundName String A name of sound to use when path is in use.
IsSpline Bool If true, path uses spline interpolation.
OffsetSeconds Float Determines how long to wait until movement starts.
SaveTrigger Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.


Structure defining properties of a path segment.


If both Acceleration and Deceleration are 0, the easing function is linear.If only Acceleration is 0, the easing function is quadratic ease-out.If both Acceleration and Deceleration are NOT 0, the easing function is sine ease-in-out.If only Deceleration is 0, the easing function is quadratic ease-in.

Property name Type Description
Destination Vector3 Destination of this path segment.
Duration Float Time it takes to traverse the segment, in seconds.
WaitTimeOnStart Float Time to wait on start of the segments, in seconds.
WaitTimeOnFinish Float Time to wait on end of the segment, in seconds.
Acceleration Float Acceleration factor. For exact behaviour, see note above.
Deceleration Float Deceleration factor. For exact behaviour, see note above.
JitterFactor Float The magnitude for how jittery/shaky this path is.
Orientation Quaternion Behaviour currently unknown.
CustomData CameraNodeData Contains additional camera data. Can be null.


Geometry structure containing X, Y, Z and W coordinates. It's stored as an array of four floating point numbers, simirarly to how GeoJSON does it.


Structure containing custom information about camera movement along path.

Property name Type Description
Perspective Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
PixelsPerTrixel Integer Behaviour currently unknown.
SoundName String Behaviour currently unknown.


Enum specifying how path segment should end - Bounce, Loop or Stop.


Enum specifying a type of actor used by TrileGroup, Art Object or Background Plane. Depending on a type of actor, specified object can be treated differently. A list of all actor types along with their behaviours can be found on the ActorType Enum reference page.


Structure defining a cuboid zone with custom properties. These zones can also be used by Scripts for custom conditions or triggers.

Property name Type Description
Orientations FaceOrientation[] Orientations towards which perspective can be shifted for this Volume to work.
From Vector3 Coordinates of one of the corners of this volume zone.
To Vector3 Coordinates of another of the corners of this volume zone.
ActorSettings VolumeActorSettings Settings of this volume instance.


Structure defining settings for a volume instance.

Property name Type Description
DotDialogue DotDialogueLine[] List of Dot dialogues used by this volume.
CodePattern CodeInput[] Input combo used by this volume.
IsBlackHole Boolean If true, this volume is a black hole.
NeedsTrigger Boolean If true, this volume is disabled by default.
IsSecretPassage Boolean This is used for the secret shortcut doors. If true, this door will take the player to the first volume in the target level that has IsSecretPassage.
WaterLocked Boolean If the door could be underwater. Exact behaviour currently unknown.
IsPointOfInterest Boolean If true, this volume will be permanently disabled when the puzzle is completed or the chest is opened. Mainly used for Dot's tutorial text.
FarawayPlaneOffset Vector2 Behaviour currently unknown.


Structure defining Dot dialogue.

Property name Type Description
ResourceText String The key to get the localized text from the FEZDATA file.
Grouped Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.


Enum specifying in-game input - None, Up, Down, Left, Right, SpinLeft, SpinRight or Jump.


Geometry structure containing X and Y coordinates. It's stored as an array of two floating point numbers, simirarly to how GeoJSON does it.


Structure defining custom behaviour which can await certain triggers, react to specified conditions and execute defined actions with given parameters.

Property name Type Description
Name String Name of the script. Presumably unused.
Timeout Boolean A time after which the script should be terminated, in seconds.
Triggers ScriptTrigger[] A list of triggers this script can react to.
Conditions ScriptCondition[] A list of conditions that has to be met for this script to be executed.
Actions ScriptAction[] A list of actions this script will execute.
OneTime Boolean If set, this script will execute only once.
Trigerless Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
IgnoreEndTriggers Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
LevelWideOneTime Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
Disabled Boolean If set, this script will be disabled until enabled by another script.
IsWinCondition Boolean If true, this script should be included in the Conditions.ScriptIds[] for the appropriate fezmap.MapNode

Script Operation

ScriptTrigger, ScriptCondition and ScriptAction are using string-encoded operations. Their syntax may vary, but they will always start with entity identifier followed by a dot. Entity identifier is simply its class name. If an entity is not static (like Level or Camera), it's followed by a square brackets [] operator containing an ID of an object (like Volume or ArtObject).

A full list of entities and their exposed triggers, properties and actions is available at the "Scripting Reference" page.


String-encoded operation starting with entity identifier, followed by the name of the trigger, like so:


As an example:



String-encoded operation starting with entity identifier, followed by the name of the property, one of the valid comparison operator (==, >=, <=, >, < or !=) and value literal, like so:

[EntityIdentifier].[Property] [ComparisonOperator] [ValueLiteral]

As an example:

Gomez.CollectedCubes >= 1
Game.GetLevelState == INTRO_COMPLETE


String-encoded operation starting with entity identifier, followed by the name of the action and a list of parameters enclosed by parentheses and separated by commas. Additionally, operation string can be preceded by two control characters:

  • # - blocks execution of following actions until this one is completed.
  • ! - terminates the entire script once the action is executed.

Script action has following syntax:

[ControlCharacters][EntityIdentifier].[ActionName]([Property1], [Property2], ...)

As an example:

#Dot.Say(DOT_CUBES_GET_A, False, False)


Structure defining art object instance, its location and settings.

Property name Type Description
Name String Name of the art object used by this instance.
Position Vector3 Position of this instance.
Rotation Quaternion Rotation of this instance.
Scale Vector3 Scale of this instance.
Scale Vector3 Scale of this instance.
ActorSettings ArtObjectActorSettings Settings of this art object instance.


Structure defining settings for art object instance.

Property name Type Description
Inactive Boolean If set, this Art Object will be inactive by default.
AttachedGroup Integer Identifier of a Trile Group this art object belongs to. Can be null.
RotationCenter Vector3 Rotation center of this art object.
SpinView Viewport Behaviour currently unknown.
SpinEvery Float Behaviour currently unknown.
SpinOffset Float Behaviour currently unknown.
OffCenter Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
VibrationPattern VibrationMotor[] The vibration sequence to use for the tuning forks.
CodePattern CodeInput[] Unused?
Segment PathSegment Behaviour currently unknown.
NextNode Integer Behaviour currently unknown. Can be null.
DestinationLevel String The name of the hub level this small warp panel will take the player. Note the target level must have a big warp gate.
TreasureMapName String The name of the treasure map this treasure contains.
InvisibleSides FaceOrientation[] Behaviour currently unknown.
TimeswitchWindBackSpeed Float Behaviour currently unknown.
ContainedTrile ActorType The ActorType to spawn when opening this treasure. Can be null.


Enum specifying controller vibration - None, LeftLow or RightHigh.


Enum specifying viewport - None, Front, Right, Back, Left, Up, Down or Perspective.


Structure defining background plane, its location and properties.

Property name Type Description
Position Vector3 Position of a background plane.
Rotation Quaternion Rotation of a background plane.
Scale Vector3 Scale of a background plane.
Size Vector3 Width, height, and depth of plane.
TextureName String Name of a texture used by this background plane.
LightMap Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
AllowOverbrightness Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
Filter Color Behaviour currently unknown.
Animated Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
Doublesided Boolean If true, the texture is also rendered on the back of the mesh.
Opacity Float Behaviour currently unknown.
AttachedGroup Integer A Trile Group this background plane belongs to. Can be null.
Billboard Boolean If true, this BackgroundPlane will always face the camera.
SyncWithSamples Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
Crosshatch Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
UnusedFlag Boolean Unused.
AlwaysOnTop Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
Fullbright Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
PixelatedLightmap Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
XTextureRepeat Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
YTextureRepeat Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
ClampTexture Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
ActorType ActorType Behaviour currently unknown.
AttachedPlane Integer Behaviour currently unknown. Can be null.
ParallaxFactor Float Behaviour currently unknown.


Structure containing information about R, G, B and A components of the color. It's stored in CSS/HTML-style eight-digit hexadecimal color syntax (#rrggbbaa) in a string.


Structure defining an instance of a non-playable character in the level.

Property name Type Description
Name String Name of an NPC to use for this instance.
Position Vector3 Initial position of this NPC instance.
DestinationOffset Vector3 The position this NPC will move to say when talked to.
WalkSpeed Float How fast this NPC will move.
RandomizeSpeech Boolean If true, will pick a random line from this NpcInstance's Speech array when talked to, otherwise they will be sequential.
SayFirstSpeechLineOnce Boolean If true, this NpcInstance will only say the first entry in their Speech array a single time.
AvoidsGomez Boolean If true, this NPC will attempt to flee from Gomez.
ActorType ActorType The ActorType of this NPC. Mainly used for owls, but also for rendering LightningGhosts.
Speech SpeechLine[] The collection of SpeechLines this NpcInstance can say. Note this can be overrided by a Script with the action NonPlayerCharacters[id].Say
Actions NpcAction Dictionary The NpcActions this NPC can take.


Structure defining a speech line and its additional attributes.

Property name Type Description
Text String Language identifier of a text which is used. See also: fezdata's LanguageResource.
OverrideContent NpcActionContent Behaviour currently unknown.


Property name Type Description
AnimationName String The name of the AnimatedTexture file in the "Character Animations/" + Npc.Name + "/" directory to use for this action.
SoundName String The name of the SoundEffect file in the "Sounds/Npc/" directory to use for this action.

NpcAction Dictionary

A dictionary of NpcActionContents assigned to specific NpcAction as a key.


Enum specifying NPC's action - None, Idle, Idle2, Idle3, Walk, Turn, Talk, Burrow, Hide, ComeOut, TakeOff, Fly or Land.