FEZNPC format


.feznpc file contains NPC metadata stored in JSON format.

Property definitions


Property name Type Description
WalkSpeed Float How fast this NPC can move.
AvoidsGomez Boolean If true, this NPC will attempt to flee if the player gets too close.
SoundPath String The name of the file in the "Sounds/" directory that will be used for values in NpcInstance.Actions (as seen in FEZLVL files) where NpcActionContent.SoundName is null.
SoundActions NpcAction[] The NpcActions that the SoundPath should be used should the above condition be true. (i.e., SoundPath will be used only if NpcInstance.Actions[key].SoundName == null && SoundActions.Contains(key)


All enums are stored as PascalCamelCase string parameters.


Enum specifying NPC's action - None, Idle, Idle2, Idle3, Walk, Turn, Talk, Burrow, Hide, ComeOut, TakeOff, Fly or Land.