FEZSKY format


.fezsky file contains sky metadata stored in JSON format. This documentation presents a structure and purpose to each property in this file format. Descriptions are incomplete in some cases, and they might be incorrect due to lack of proper testing in the game itself, but that'll improve over time.

Property definitions


Property name Type Description
Name String The unique name of the sky. This should be the same as the folder name containing all the sky assets for this sky.
Background String The name of the texture2d file to use for the background.
WindSpeed Float Behaviour currently unknown.
Density Float Multiplier affecting the number of Clouds in the sky.
Layers SkyLayer[] The sky layers.
Clouds String[] The names of the texture2d files to use for the clouds.
Shadows String If not null, the name of the texture2d file to use for the shadows.
Stars String If not null, the name of the texture2d file to use for the stars.
CloudTint String If not null, the name of the texture2d file to use for the cloud tint.
VerticalTiling Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
HorizontalScrolling Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
LayerBaseHeight Float Behaviour currently unknown.
InterLayerVerticalDistance Float Behaviour currently unknown.
InterLayerHorizontalDistance Float Behaviour currently unknown.
HorizontalDistance Float Behaviour currently unknown.
VerticalDistance Float Behaviour currently unknown.
LayerBaseSpacing Float Behaviour currently unknown.
WindParallax Float Behaviour currently unknown.
WindDistance Float Behaviour currently unknown.
CloudsParallax Float Behaviour currently unknown.
ShadowOpacity Float Behaviour currently unknown.
FoliageShadows Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
NoPerFaceLayerXOffset Boolean Behaviour currently unknown.
LayerBaseXOffset Float Behaviour currently unknown.


Property name Type Description
Name String The names of the texture2d file for this sky layer.
InFront Boolean If true, this layer will always be on top.
Opacity Float The opacity of this layer.
FogTint Float Behaviour currently unknown.