ArtObject[id] | SetRotation | float x, float y, float z | | Replaces the rotation angles (in degrees) |
ArtObject[id] | Rotate | float dX, float dY, float dZ | | Rotates over time (in rotations per second) |
ArtObject[id] | RotateIncrementally | float initPitch, float initYaw, float initRoll, float secondsUntilDouble | | Rotates incrementally over time (in time before doubling) |
ArtObject[id] | TiltOnVertex | float durationSeconds | | Tilts the art object on its bottom vertex |
ArtObject[id] | Move | float dX, float dY, float dZ, float easeInFor, float easeOutAfter, float easeOutFor | | Moves incrementally over time (in units per second) |
ArtObject[id] | HoverFloat | float height, float cyclesPerSecond | | Makes the object hover vertically |
ArtObject[id] | StartEldersSequence | | | Does the whole hex-room sequence |
ArtObject[id] | MoveNutToEnd | | | Moves a nut&bolt to its end |
ArtObject[id] | MoveNutToHeight | float height | | Moves a nut&bolt to a certain height, and gradually |
ArtObject[id] | GlitchOut | bool permanent, String spawnedActor | | Glitches and removes art object (and associated group if any) |
ArtObject[id] | BeamGomez | | | For the hexahedron |
ArtObject[id] | Pulse | String textureName | | For the glow blocks |
ArtObject[id] | Say | String text, bool zuish | | For the zuish speech |
Plane[id] | Open | | BigWaterfall | |
Camera | SetPixelsPerTrixel | int triles | | Set the number of pixels per trixel (default is 4) |
Camera | SetCanRotate | bool canRotate | | Changes whether Gomez can rotate the camera |
Camera | Rotate | int distance | | Forces camera rotation, left (-1 to -3) or right (1 to 3) |
Camera | RotateTo | String viewName | | Rotates to any view orientation (Left, Right, Front, Back) |
Camera | FadeTo | String colorName | | Fades to the chosen color (Black, White, etc.) |
Camera | FadeFrom | String colorName | | Fades from the chosen color (Black, White, etc.) |
Camera | Flash | String colorName | | Flashes the chosen color once (Black, White, etc.) |
Camera | Shake | float distance, float durationSeconds | | Shakes the camera and vibrates controller |
Camera | SetDescending | bool descending | | Sets the camera offset as descending (true) or ascending (false) |
Camera | Unconstrain | | | Remove the constraints (volume focus etc.) |
Dot | Say | String line, bool nearGomez, bool hideAfter | | Makes Dot say a custom text line |
Dot | ComeBackAndHide | bool withCamera | | Hides Dot in Gomez's hat |
Dot | SpiralAround | bool withCamera, bool hideDot | | Spiral around the level, yo |
Game | EndTrial | bool forceRestart | | Stops the trial EXPERIENCE and requires that the game is bought to continue |
Game | Wait | float seconds | | Pauses the script for some time |
Game | GlitchUp | | | Glitch up |
Game | Reboot | String toLevel | | Reboots |
Game | SetGravity | bool inverted, float factor | | Changes gravity |
Game | ShowScroll | String localizedString, float forSeconds, bool onTop, bool onVolume | | Show scroll with localized string, for some time or indefinitely (0 or less), at the top or the bottom of the screen |
Game | CloseScroll | String key | | Hides the current scroll immediately |
Game | SetGlobalState | String state | | Sets a state string that is kept between levels |
Game | SetLevelState | String state | | Sets a state string that is local to that level |
Game | AllowMapUsage | | | |
Game | Start32BitCutscene | | | |
Game | Start64BitCutscene | | | |
Game | Checkpoint | | | |
Game | ResolveMapQR | | | |
Game | ResolveSewerQR | | | |
Game | ResolveZuQR | | | |
Game | ShowCapsuleLetter | | | |
Gomez | SetCanControl | bool controllable | | Sets whether Gomez can be controlled by the player |
Gomez | SetAction | String actionName | | Sets the current action (animation) for Gomez |
Gomez | AllowEnterTunnel | | | Allows Gomez to enter that tunnel/passageway by pressing up |
Gomez | SetFezVisible | bool visible | | Shows/Hides gomez's fez |
Gomez | SetGomezVisible | bool visible | | Shows/Hides gomez |
Group[id] | StartPath | bool backwards | | Starts the group's moving path (must be set ‘Needs Trigger') |
Group[id] | RunPathOnce | bool backwards | | Runs the group's moving path, but only once (must be set ‘Needs Trigger') |
Group[id] | RunSingleSegment | bool backwards | | Runs a single segment of the group's moving path (must be set ‘Needs Trigger') |
Group[id] | Stop | | | Stops or pauses a moving group |
Group[id] | Move | float dX, float dY, float dZ | | Moves a group incrementally over time (units per second) |
Group[id] | SetEnabled | bool enabled | | Enables or disables all of a group's triles |
Group[id] | MovePathToEnd | | | Moves a moving group to the end of its path |
Group[id] | GlitchyDespawn | bool permanent | | Moves a moving group to the end of its path |
ArtObject[id] | SetEnabled | bool enabled | LaserEmitter | Starts or stops an emitter |
Level | AllowPipeChangeLevel | String levelName | | Changes the level MARIO-STYLE |
Level | ChangeLevel | String levelName, bool asDoor, bool spin, bool trialEnding | | Changes the level; if ‘asDoor' is true, the level change occurs if gomez enters the door, else it's done immediately |
Level | ReturnToLastLevel | bool asDoor, bool spin | | Returns to the last accessed level; if ‘asDoor' is true, the level change occurs if gomez enters the door, else it's done immediately |
Level | ChangeToFarAwayLevel | String levelName, int toVolume, bool trialEnding | | Changes the faraway level to a specific volume in the destination level; if ‘asDoor' is true, the level change occurs if gomez enters the door, else it's done immediately |
Level | ChangeLevelToVolume | String levelName, int toVolume, bool asDoor, bool spin, bool trialEnding | | Changes the level to a specific volume in the destination level; if ‘asDoor' is true, the level change occurs if gomez enters the door, else it's done immediately |
Level | ExploChangeLevel | String levelName | | Produces an epic explosion and changes level when it's done. |
Level | SetWaterHeight | float height | | Smoothly changes to a new water height |
Level | RaiseWater | float unitsPerSecond, float stopAtHeight | | Makes water rise to a certain threshold |
Level | StopWater | | | Makes water stop raising immediately |
Level | ResolvePuzzle | | | Marks a puzzle as solved, and plays the chime |
Level | ResolvePuzzleSilent | | | Silently resolves a puzzle |
Level | ResolvePuzzleSoundOnly | | | |
Npc[id] | Say | String line, String customSound, String customAnimation | | Makes the NPC say a custom text line |
Npc[id] | CarryGeezerLetter | | | CarryGeezerLetter |
Path[id] | Start | bool inTransition, bool outTransition | | Applies the whole path to the camera |
ArtObject[id] | SetEnabled | bool enabled | PivotHandle | Enables or disables a pivot handle's rotatability |
ArtObject[id] | RotateTo | int turns | PivotHandle | Enables or disables a pivot handle's rotatability |
Plane[id] | FadeIn | float seconds | | |
Plane[id] | FadeOut | float seconds | | |
Plane[id] | Flicker | float factor | | |
Group[id] | Rotate | bool clockwise, int turns | RotatingGroup | |
Group[id] | SetEnabled | bool enabled | RotatingGroup | |
Script[id] | SetEnabled | bool enabled | | Enables or disables a script |
Script[id] | Evaluate | | | Evaluates a script |
Sound | Play | String soundName | | Plays a sound by its filename |
Sound | PlayNext | String soundPrefix | | Plays a sound by its prefix and an auto-incremented index (starts at 1) |
Sound | SetMusicVolume | float volume | | Changes the volume of BGM |
Sound | ResetIndices | String soundPrefix | | Resets the indices for a sound |
Sound | ChangeMusic | String newMusic | | Changes the music track and plays it |
Sound | UnmuteTrack | String trackName, float fadeDuration | | Enables a track by its name |
Sound | MuteTrack | String trackName, float fadeDuration | | Disables a track by its name |
Sound | UnmuteAmbience | String trackName, float fadeDuration | | |
Sound | MuteAmbience | String trackName, float fadeDuration | | |
Sound | FadeMusicOut | float overSeconds | | Fades the music out |
Sound | FadeMusicTo | float to, float overSeconds | | |
Sound | ChangePhases | String trackName, bool dawn, bool day, bool dusk, bool night | | |
ArtObject[id] | SetEnabled | bool enabled | SpinBlock | Enables or disables a spinblock (which ceases or resumes its spinning) |
Group[id] | Activate | | PushSwitch, ExploSwitch, PushSwitchPermanent | Activates this switch |
Group[id] | ChangeTrile | int newTrileId | PushSwitch, ExploSwitch, PushSwitchPermanent | Changes the visual of this switch's triles |
Time | SetHour | int hour, bool immediate | | Changes the hour of day (0-23), gradually or immediately |
Time | SetTimeFactor | int factor | | Sets the speed of time passage (0 = paused) |
Time | IncrementTimeFactor | float secondsUntilDouble | | Increments the time factor (specifying how much time before it doubles up) |
Tombstone | UpdateAlignCount | int count | | |
ArtObject[id] | SetEnabled | bool enabled | Valve, BoltHandle | Enables or disables a valve's rotatability |
Volume[id] | FocusCamera | int pixelsPerTrixel, bool immediate | | Center the camera view on this volume; set a value <= 0 to pixelsPerTrixels if you don't want to alter it. Immediate doesn't wait for an end-trigger |
Volume[id] | SetEnabled | bool enabled, bool permanent | | Disables or enables this volume |
Volume[id] | SlowFocusOn | float duration, float trixPerPix | | Slowly focuses camera on a volume |
Volume[id] | LoadHexahedronAt | String toLevel | | Loads the hex in the middle of a specified volume, and warp to the specified level afterwards |
Volume[id] | PlaySoundAt | String soundName, bool loop, float initialDelay, float perLoopDelay, bool directional, float pitchVariation | | Plays a sound on the specified volume, looped or not, directional or not (follows volume's enabled directions) |
Volume[id] | MoveDotWithCamera | | | Moves Dot and the camera to the specified volume's center |
Volume[id] | FocusWithPan | int pixelsPerTrixel, float verticalPan, float horizontalPan | | Focuses the camera with panning support |
Volume[id] | SpawnTrileAt | String actorTypeName | | Spawns a treasure trile at this volume's location |
ArtObject[id] | SetEnabled | bool enabled | WarpGate | |